Product Use Data collection.
Apply product in a controlled manner. Time drying/setting. Repeat each test at least 3 times, more times would be better. Perform tests. Keep good notes. Take photographs. Make sketches. Limit variables. Use controls. Compile class data. Create graph. Make conclusions based on your analysis of the information. List other possible situations/ further research.
Heather Park - Rice & Water Adhesive Test Results
ReplyDeleteWeights Used and Other Weight Taken into Account:
1 Clear plastic container = 505.2G
Bucket, Clamp and Carabineer (used to hold weight) = 413G
Shot Weight 1=517.5G
Shot Weight 2 = 294.9G
Shot Weight 3 = 503.8G
Shot Weight 4 = 184.5G
Shot Weight 5 = 163.3G
Shot Weight 6 = 145.7G
Shot Weight 7 = 131.9G
Shot Weight 8 = 113.6G
Shot Weight 9 = 34.1G
Shot Weight 10 = 98.4G
All Shot Weights = 2187.7G
Tear Test Results:
Weight Used: Shot Weights 1-5
Total Weight Used =1664G
Strip 2
Weight Used: Bucket etc., Shot Weights 1 & 2
Total Weight Used = 812.4GG
Strip 3
Weight Used: Shot Weights 2-5
Total Weight Used = 1146.5G
Weight Test Results:
Weight Test – Note: All weight test paper strips, failed before the adhesive. Adhesive Strength Unknown for downward force. This weight test was done before using shot weights 1-10 as a system.
Strip 1
Weight Used: Bucket etc., 10 clear plastic containers, Shot Weights unknown
Total Weight Used = 5626.2G
Strip 2
Weight Used: Bucket etc., 10 clear plastic containers, Shot Weights unknown
Total Weight Used = 4202G
Strip 3
Weight Used: Bucket etc., 10 clear plastic containers, Shot Weights unknown
Total Weight Used = 7308.5G
I feel the weight test was flawed because the adhesive was stronger than the paper. If we would have used a more durable material for the weight test, I feel we would have gotten a more accurate measure of the adhesive strength.
Gage Duran - Flour & Water Adhesive Test Results
ReplyDeleteYellow Paste
1/2 cup (99 cent store brand measuring cup, compact on edge) flour (gold medal all purpose, room temperature from flour container)
3/4 cup (99 cent store brand measuring cup) cool water (kitchen sink tap)
Mix to consistency of pancake batter (kitchen aid spatula), smooth out lumps, heat on stove (whirlpool gas range). Remove from heat when thickens to paste (turns yellow).
Glued 1"x1" area at 10:10 am Tuesday. Tests were performed Friday afternoon from 2:00-3:00 pm.
Peel Test Results
Strip 1-Tore at transition from 1.5" wide to 2 1/8" wide at 1451 grams
Strip 2-Tore at transition from 1.5" wide to 2 1/8" wide at 998 grams
Strip 3-Tore at transition from 1.5" wide to 2 1/8" wide at 1089 grams
Average 1179 grams
Tension Test Results
Test system with black monster clips did not hold paper wrapped over dowels. Wrapped around dowels and added clamps to outside of black monster clips. Still did not hold. Abandoned use of black monster clips and substituted vice clamps at paper rolled around dowel connections. System also failed and paper unraveled off dowels connections. This final fail occurred at 3992 grams of weight (vice clamp, bucket, carabiner, pre-made weights, sand added last).
The glue was stronger than the paper in the peel test and the glue and paper were stronger than 3992 grams of weight.
Fatima Balkis Hassane - Rice and Flour Mix
1/2 cup of flour + 1/2 cup of rice + water
Mix on low heat until thick, and until water evaporates
Test Results:
Peel Test Results:
Strip1: 652.2g
Strip2: 686.3g
Strip3: 1,191.5
Tension Test Results:
Strip1: 5,083.1g
Strip2: 6,112.1g
Strip3: 6,112.1g
- In both tests, the paper failed to hold the weights
- In both tests, the glue showed to be stronger than the paper
- Test apparatus didn't allow the weights to be equally distributed in both tests
- The glue was a bit too watery
- Next batch of glue should be a bit more dry. Add more flour
- Use a stronger paper type
- Set up the apparatus in way where the weight will be equally distributed